Early County
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission works in conjunction with Early County Code Enforcement, to make Early County a safer and more desirable place to live and work. The Commission's authority lies solely in the unincorporated areas of Early County. The Commission is responsible for granting hardship variances, proposing new ordinances, or recommending modifications to existing ordinances, to the Board of Commissioners.
The Planning Commission is comprised of five dedicated community members. Each member is directly appointed by the County Commissioner, who's District they will represent. Members serve 4-year staggered terms, internally electing a Chairman and Vice-Chairman each year.
The Planning Commission holds regularly scheduled meetings on the last Thursday of each month (or alternate dates if there are emergencies, or conflicts with holidays). The meetings are at 1:00 pm, in the Early County Theatre, 202 Court Square, Blakely, GA 39823. The upcoming meeting agenda is posted in advance, on the bulletin board on the front of the building.
Member Term District
Mandy Chapman (Chairman)
John W. Hunter Jr. (Vice Chairman)
Jim Wasdin
Pamela Harris
Katherine Speight
At Large
D - 4
D - 1
D - 2
D - 3